woensdag 15 januari 2020

Pictures with quotes - 2

Here we have collected many pictures with quotes in all kind of categories, like images with positive quotes, funny quotes, quotes about life, quotes about love, motivational sayings, pictures with humor texts, sarcasm texts Facebook images of pics for Whatsapp. We have thousands of images for you. You can easily download our images with sayings and share them with your friends or family on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest or via Whatsapp, Messenger or e-mail. Have fun with it!

A little toe is a device to find furniture in the dark.

pics with quotes

Been there, done that. Then several more times, because apparently I never learn.

quotes about life

I'm like a flower. A flower with a shit ton of thorns.
I look nice and sweet, but if you fuck with me, I will stab you.

quotes about love

My dreamjob would be driving the Karma-bus.

quotes about karma

Online shopping:
because it's frowned upon to be in a store with no bra,
sweatpants and a glass of wine.

quotes about shopping

I did a pushup today. Well actually I fell down, but I had to use my arms to get back up, so..
Close enough. I need chocolate.

quotes about chocolate

I'm on that new diet where you eat everything and hope for a miracle.

quotes about diet

Rule number 1:
fuck what they think.

images with good quotes

What's your dreamjob?
Well, in my dreams I don't work.

quotes about work

I'm not in the mood for revenge, but I will take front row seats to the Karma show!

quotes about karma

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