maandag 13 april 2020

Funny pics and memes - 2

Are you looking for funny internet memes. Then don't look further! Here we have thousands of funny pics which you can download, use and share via Whatsapp, messenger or email. You also can share them on your social media page like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr or Pinterest. Check regulary our website because every week we upload some new memes. Have fun with the images!

Who is the pirate girl meme

When he comes back into your life saying he's a changed man

Winnie the pooh meme

When your ex wants to get back in your life.

I remember the taste of the spoon more than I do the taste of the ice cream.

Your taxi will be arriving in 3 minutes. - wine meme

This is how you look like when you like your own Facebook post.

My kids before I make a phone call.
My kids during the phone call. - kids meme

Who did this at school?

Nostril meme

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