woensdag 17 juni 2020

Pictures with quotes - 10

Here we have thousands of images with quotes. We have pics with funny quotes, wise sayings, quotes about love, motivation texts and many more. You can share them with friends and family via Messenger, Whatsapp or via social media like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc. Every week we upload new pictures. Have fun!

Don't talk, act.
Don't say, show.
Don't promise, prove.

pics with quotes

Before I got married, I didn't even know there was a wrong way to put milk back in the fridge.

images with funny quotes

Failure is a part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn. If you don't learn, you'll never change.

wise quotes pics

Relationship status: stopped holding in farts.

pictures with humor quotes

Sometimes I need to go off on my own. I'm not sad. I'm not angry. I'm just recharging my batteries.

quotes about farts

Coffee: a magical substance that turns 'leave me alone or die' into 'good morning honey!'

quotes about coffee

The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth until you fall in love.

quotes about love

You know what rhymes with friday? Pizza.

quotes bout pizza

Who else isn't gonna get shit on Valentine's day?

quotes about valentines day

There's a time to be nice, and there's time to say 'I've had enough of this bullshit'.

funny quotes for facebook

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